Message from our president, Dr. Steven Paulson: A Year Defined by Courage
December 14, 2020
Nine months ago, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Texas and changed our lives in ways no one anticipated. You and your loved ones have faced unparalleled challenges with unwavering courage and tenacity. Facing the risk of uncertainty of COVID-19 along with cancer adds an extra degree of difficulty to already tough circumstances.
As much as we all would have hoped to be well beyond this by now, the pandemic is surging. This will make the holiday season physically and emotionally taxing for many of you. But we urge you to continue to prioritize your safety. Wear face masks, practice social distancing, stay home if possible, and avoid crowds or extended time with people outside your household.
I have never been as proud as I am today to serve Texans with cancer. Texas Oncology celebrates the courage of all patients fighting cancer, the loved ones caring for them, and the healthcare teams that have shown unrelenting commitment to providing care during COVID-19.
The challenges of 2020 are unprecedented, but the year will ultimately be defined by the moments that made us stronger thanks to your courage and resilience. On behalf of all of us at Texas Oncology, I wish you a safe and happy holiday.

R. Steven Paulson, M.D.
President and Chairman of the Board
Texas Oncology