Message from our president, Dr. Steven Paulson May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Dear Patients,
As we continue to deliver needed cancer care amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to thank you for your cooperation and flexibility in adapting to the many safety precautions that have been implemented across all Texas Oncology locations.
We are pleased that restrictions on elective surgeries have been loosened. Our surgical specialists are busy scheduling needed procedures. But even as other restrictions and stay-at-home orders are eased, the safety of our patients and staff inside our locations remains a top priority. That means we will continue to practice social distancing and requiring all patients, staff, and visitors to wear face masks.
Cancer patients are at higher risk for infections, including COVID-19, as many have compromised immune systems. Thank you for doing your part to keep everyone safe as we begin to gradually bring more patients back into our clinics for needed in person visits.
When clinically appropriate, we will offer our expanded telemedicine services, as a highly effective and convenient way to conduct patient visits when face to face appointments are not necessary. We are pleased that patients have embraced telemedicine so readily. We are now conducting more than 5,000 patient visits via telemedicine each week.
As you begin to venture out, please remember to follow recommended safety protocols, such as social distancing, wearing a face covering, washing your hands often, and avoiding large crowds. Please visit our website for more about Texas Oncology’s response to COVID-19 and all the ways we are making safety a priority.
Texas Oncology’s approach will continue to be careful and measured, led by data and science as well as guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal, state and local agencies.
The challenges of the COVID-19 crisis are complex and unprecedented. But we are inspired by the courage that our front-line staff and patients demonstrate daily as we navigate this dynamic environment. Thank you for entrusting Texas Oncology with your care, now more than ever.
Together, we can fight.

R. Steven Paulson, M.D.
President and Chairman of the Board
Texas Oncology