Staying Resilient Through Omicron
January 13, 2022
The COVID-19 omicron variant is rapidly spreading in Texas, accounting now for 95% percent of all COVID-19 cases. Early data shows the illness often is less severe. Still, the surge in cases and hospitalizations is adding stress to healthcare systems everywhere, including Texas Oncology.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we make adjustments in our clinics in this ever-changing and challenging environment. Patient care and safety remain our top priority, as well as protecting caregivers and staff. In light of this focus, it may take a little longer for us to respond to your questions or calls. Thank you for understanding.
We continue to strictly follow comprehensive safety measures and CDC guidelines, including requiring face masks, screening at clinics, and social distancing.
- Visitor Policy: In this environment, we updated our visitor policy for the continued safety of our patients and staff.
- No visitors are allowed in clinics, including children.
- Exceptions include:
- New patients are allowed one visitor for the first appointment.
- Patients with special circumstances such as mobility, translation, or disability should contact our staff.
- Telemedicine: We have conducted more than 350,000 telemedicine visits during the pandemic, allowing patients to continue needed care, and safely meet with their providers.
During the omicron surge, some patient appointments may be changed to telemedicine to reduce the risk of COVID infection. We appreciate your patience and flexibility with our clinical teams as they adjust schedules.
- Vaccines and Boosters: We strongly encourage cancer patients and caregivers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and booster, following CDC guidelines. Be mindful of the timing of mammograms and diagnostic imaging.
- Healthcare Teams: For your safety, we strictly follow current CDC quarantine guidelines for healthcare workers, which has impacted our staffing in some locations and could continue as omicron peaks.
Being proactive and taking protective steps during the pandemic has helped us continue to safely care for cancer patients who rely on us.
Taking measures to safeguard all involved reduces the risk of infection and potential disruption of critical treatment.
Thank you for entrusting Texas Oncology with your care.

R. Steven Paulson, M.D.
President and Chairman of the Board
Texas Oncology