What Our Cancer Patients Should Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
January 07, 2022
Texas Oncology is not able to provide COVID-19 vaccines to patients, but we strongly encourage our patients to get the vaccine and booster shot where it is available. Patients may check with their local pharmacy or a local vaccine distribution center.
Texas Oncology is open and treating patients. Click here for information about Texas Oncology’s screening and safety precautions, including frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and cancer.
Texas Oncology agrees with leading infectious disease experts that all people should be vaccinated against COVID-19, including cancer patients. The COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot reduces individual risk and slows the spread of the virus. Our COVID-19 task force, which includes physician leaders, nurses, and pharmacists dedicated to the health and safety of our patients, caregivers, and staff during the pandemic, strongly urges cancer patients and their families to get vaccinated as soon as possible and follow up with a booster shot at the appropriate time.
As the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines continues, we understand you may have questions. Following are important considerations as we work together to curtail the pandemic.
All safety protocols remain in effect at Texas Oncology’s clinics.
The safety of our patients is our highest priority. Texas Oncology will continue requiring face masks, limiting or prohibiting visitors at our locations, patient screening, social distancing, and using telemedicine – even for patients who have already received the vaccine.
It is safe – and encouraged – for cancer patients to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Texas Oncology concurs with leading infectious disease experts in recommending that all people be vaccinated against COVID-19, including patients with cancer. We strongly encourage our patients to get the vaccine and booster shot.
Patients in active treatment should consult their physicians on the best time to get the vaccine and booster shot.
Texas Oncology recommends patients get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it becomes available to them, including at local pharmacies, primary care clinics, and vaccine hub providers. Cancer patients on active therapy should consult their Texas Oncology physician or a member of their care team before they get the vaccine.
The vaccine can impact diagnostic imaging, including mammograms and PET/CTs.
COVID-19 vaccines are incredibly important to reduce risk of life threatening illness with COVID-19, but may impact the interpretation of imaging results, including screening mammograms and PET/CT scans. If possible, get your screenings before you receive the vaccine, or wait six weeks after being fully vaccinated. Contact your physician if you are due for a screening mammogram or PET/CT and have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine.
Texas Oncology needs a record of your COVID-19 vaccination.
A vaccination card or printed record of your vaccine should be provided to you when you receive the vaccine. It should include what COVID-19 vaccine you received, the date you received it, and where you received it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No matter where you receive the vaccine, Texas Oncology would like to save a copy of your vaccination record to your health record, so it’s important to bring it to your next appointment, including an update when you get your booster shot.
Below are additional resources about the COVID-19 vaccines and cancer.