Basketball Enthusiast Continues Playing Through Prostate Cancer
Skip the research and go straight to proton therapy.
Rob Arvin
Prostate Cancer Survivor
When 68-year-old Rob Arvin found himself facing a prostate cancer diagnosis, he looked to multiple avenues to help him make a treatment decision. His primary care physician referred him to a traditional photon-focused radiation oncologist, but a conversation with a friend battling the same diagnosis led him to Texas Center for Proton Therapy. Rob scheduled both the photon and proton appointments on the same day. “After meeting with Dr. Lee, I walked out and canceled my photon appointment,” he said.
Rob, an active individual who ran track and cross country in college, later found a love for playing basketball. One of the most important advantages of proton therapy, Rob noted, was the ability to maintain his current quality of life both during and after treatment. He continued to play basketball throughout his course of proton therapy, where he was able to sit down with friends – some who had gone through a prostate cancer diagnosis, and some who had not – and share his journey with them.
“The hardest part wasn’t about me,” Rob said, “but it was seeing the other patients, particularly the children.” Rob decided to connect with other families going through treatment and try to impact them positively. “I viewed this as an opportunity to be kind to people,” he said.
“The staff made us all feel very welcomed,” Rob said in addition to noting Dr. Lee’s credentials and his trust in the clinical staff’s knowledge. To anyone looking at treatment options for a cancer diagnosis, Rob gives this advice: “skip the research and go straight to Texas Center for Proton Therapy” – a message he will continue to share amongst his basketball teammates.
Learn more about proton therapy for prostate cancer or call 469-513-5500 to find out if proton therapy is the right treatment option for you or a loved one.
The information included in this testimonial is based on one patient’s unique experience and is not intended to represent all patient outcomes or expectations.