Esophageal Cancer Prevention
For many, esophageal cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including not using tobacco, limiting alcohol intake, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining an ideal weight. Texas Oncology recommends people with Barrett’s esophagus get tested for signs of cancer. Preventing Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer may be possible by treating reflux. If you have chronic heartburn or reflux, you should contact your physician as treatment may lower your risk of Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer.
Esophageal Cancer Treatment
Treatment options for people with esophageal cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, proton therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, endoscopic treatments, or a combination of these treatments. Esophageal cancer is often found at later stages and many treatments are aimed at relieving symptoms but cannot cure the cancer. Many doctors encourage patients to consider participating in a clinical trial.