Paying for Care
Our focus is helping you manage resources and understand the financial aspects of your care. Your financial counselor can answer questions about your insurance coverage and payments.
You may want to have a family member help you. Please complete an Authorization for Disclosure of Financial Information form so that we will be able to release financial information to that person.
Patient Billing
We will bill your insurance carrier. If services are provided but not covered by your insurance, you will be responsible for those charges. If you are a self-pay patient, payment is requested prior to receiving treatment.
Pediatric patients requiring anesthesia will also receive billing statements from Anesthesia Resources for Children (ARCh).
Statements are mailed monthly if you have an account balance of $5 or more. The statements keep you informed of your insurance company’s payments, as well as any balances that may be owed after your insurance claim has been paid. Your balance is due upon receipt of the statement. We encourage you to contact your insurance company if claims are not paid within 45 days.
Please save the explanation of benefits (EOB) notice your insurance company sends you. These notices are essential in determining what portion of the bill you may be required to pay.
Lab and Radiology Billing
There may be occasions when tests must be sent to an outside lab for analysis. You will receive a separate bill from the lab and you should contact them directly with any billing questions.
Self-Pay Patients
If you are paying for your own care, you may be eligible for a discount. To qualify, your estimated charges must be paid in advance and any billed amounts must be paid on time. Speak to your financial counselor for additional information.